Gastenverblijf De Deel


De Groene Luwte

Self-catering De Deel is part of De Groene Luwte, our village-farm and 2-acre landscaped garden. 'De Groene Luwte' literally means: a lush and secluded place, eco in character.

Our home is a classic late 19th-century Groningen village-farm, which has been fully refurbished over the years. We installed an eco-isolated roof and solar panels, supplying all the electricity we need. Rainwater is saved and stored wherever we can. Wooded areas in the garden provide fuel for our wood-burning stoves. Special care has been taken to keep house and garden as free as possible of EMF-radiation.

The garden includes a biodynamic orchard and vegetable garden, several permaculture beds and two unheated greenhouses. We try to live as green and self-supporting as possible; keeping chickens, geese and bees helps a lot… Over the years many aspiring organic gardeners - or those who wish to lead a greener life - found inspiration here and holiday-guests still do!


Niervormige vijver omzoomd met voorjaarsbloemen in de tuin van De Groene LuwteTwentse landganzen bij De Groene LuwtePhacelia met een bijTomaten eigen teeltKuikensOostindische kers

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